Thursday, July 23, 2009

First Time!

Thank God it's Thursday..there's no better day to take a sip of the killer lemon laced vodka and enjoy stimulating conversations with friends. I was surprised this afternoon to know that I am actually 'told' to host a gathering in school...I am of course a bit nervous, public speaking is never my thing but then it's too late to back out now because my name is already printed on the invitation. so I rallied my 'allies' and asked them to help me rehearse public speaking 101. after a few rounds of what seems to be a great vodka, my nerves felt right and so I went on with my antics. I am a better speaker, with a little help of some 'shots'. I know I talk silly when nervous...the suckers were all laughing and rolling on their stomach after I got halfway the program. Why ever are hosting not taught in English 101? now I know that all it takes is confidence and of course, loads of guts. and so, I hope sheer caffeine, enough sleep and a big face of confidence will do. all I know was that I made a hell lot of laugh during my rehearsal. whether or not it is a good sign, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Just a fun way of ending the week.