Sunday, November 29, 2009

A 'Piece' of my Mind

In life, God will never give you everything you want. He will never give you anything that you are not entitled to have. Harsh as it may be, He loves us that way. God is all love, but he is not all about giving. He is all about making you suffer the hardest to make you realize what you already have, so you quit asking on the things you actually do not need or do not deserve to have. In this materialistic world, He will rip you of everything you hold dear. Everything. He puts you in situations where you will twist in anguish and cry in pain until you can’t bear anything more. He rips you of everything you value so you will realize the sense of your life, your purpose of living, and your purpose of being. He does these to make you realize that you don’t hold the sole control of your life.

Haven’t you noticed? No matter how you carefully plan your life, there is always a room for failure with minor slipups. With all your plans, you still mess up. He makes us realize that we don’t have all the power to make things happen in our lives. It is all in His hands. And whatever plan He may have for us, it’s all for the best.

Now that I am a parent, I now understand this message. Your child may rebel at your rules or at your convictions on house rules, but at the end of the day, your love for them will find a way to keep them straight in the line of light. No matter how your child may fight it, he needs to learn that there’s no other way to be on the place he wanted to be but through the life lessons you may teach him. Trials are like arming your child with everything he needs to survive. As much as God would like to spare us of the hurt and fear that we have in our lives, these feelings play crucial roles in teaching us, arming us, protecting us and bringing us closer to the place where God and we people will share a divine life, a full existence from which we are separated by our worldly sins and mistakes.