I am sorry for neglecting my blog for a few days. I was just having an interesting issue to deal with that’s why. I just don’t know why people are offering their support this way. But I truly appreciate their concern. You see, I was cheated on right? Then while I was out enjoying myself, I seem to become a magnet of information I so desperately seek during those times when I needed explanation on a helluva lot of things about why I need to suffer this and that and all. It was just interesting that as I patch everything up, I discover how much of a fool I was to believe that my life was just perfect...that I needed some reality kick to realize..."hey, I was the last one to know." Surprised pa daw ang drama mo, well I was really surprised. But then, I was actually grinning with delight. Was that an oxymoron? Well, hell, I just felt good some truth landed on me without asking.
All the more that I am convinced that these people are rubbing their shoulders on me and will be to find a better place in my life. I see pity in their eyes, but I don’t mind. Months ago, I deserved that. But now? Maybe, but I have made peace with all these. It’s just that the closure I was still waiting for just landed on my lap without even asking. Thank you folks for caring. Thank you for the pity. I know that the next time you see me, I’ll make you all proud. I will be far off from the thrashed Wendy you are looking right at. That is a promise.
So she was the friend friend of your lady cousin ... I dunno but I just fell off...Anyways, I have made my peace...Just wait and see of what I will become out of these...'till then I will sing praise and thanks all of you. It's just I felt ill feeling like schemed upon believing a lie...But I got past through all that now...Well I really do hope happiness for you both because at this point, I don't know what value life is to you but well, LOVE?… I raise eyebrows and push them down. Hell, everything, too much information is sometimes a curse. I definitely welcome cynical thoughts. Hays, it'll get better. Aye?