Though my life is full of complications and my affection full of conditions, thank you for finding solace in my chaotic life. Thank you for taking interest in what’s happening in it, what’s giving it pain and what’s making it bearable each day. Though you seem to be an illusion that gives me hope for love, you are forever patient and will always be near my heart.
You came to my life during the most unwelcome time. You came but you stayed and that’s all that mattered. You brought clarity to all my arguments. You challenged my thoughts and even my quotes. You sought more meaning to what there is in everything I say, though I disagree to most of your interpretations, you managed to bring truth in everything I say and give light to the words I refuse to say.
Thank you for forever being so patient with me, thank you for always waiting for me to come to you. Though I may not say it right now, I see you as someone who will play an important role in my life. Thank you for being my excuse to happiness. Thank you for being my hope to happiness. Thank you for bringing reason to all the bitterness I had. Thank you for driving all my shit away. Thank you for making me the kind of person I knew myself to be. Thank you for making me happy.
You know who you are…Thank you…most of all, thank you for taking care of my son.
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