These past few days were hectic. I was too preoccupied with things at school and at work. To add up to the week's hype, it is NJ's first periodical exam this Friday. Boy this week sure is challenging. So what's a mother to do? PRIORITIZE. Of course, NJ comes first, then I get my hands on my school notes and projects, then shall I get back to work. priorities and priorities, these are what guides me when all the things I need to do seem to go beyond my hands. I know I can pull this week off. I only got 3 days to go and I am coping well so far. Next week will be another story. I got my midterm exams coming up. After messing up my prelim standing, this is my time to catch up and by God I will do that! So Wendy, focus! focus! focus!
We single mothers are made for things like this...a monument should be erected in our honor...whew!!!
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