I am soo hating myself for wallowing in some unwelcome emotions over the weekend. After claiming that I am doing fine and okay, I hate to admit that I actually am not. Of all the things I know about myself, I tend to have a delayed reaction to every dilemma that I face…just don’t give me time to be by myself and think, then I will be okay. Because once I started thinking, I analyze everything. Crazy right? But it has been a habit of mine.
Being in this disgusting mushy mode cost me a project and a weekend salary. I just stared at the computer screen all day, ravishing pages of how to cope with breakup articles. Boy what a disgrace! After this, I will not even try to think besides my responsibilities and my studies. I can’t afford to stay this way longer. I am better off earning some that moping some more. What a freak!
Anyways, I can say that my mushy time was well worth it. For one thing, I was kind of entertained by some of the ridiculous and ideal and outrageous ways of dealing with breakups…sure this is fun, for some. But I did have fun leafing through them, really.
And so I quote the best material I found:
“Now a lot of breakup survival kits may seem a little facetious and even idealistic, but the key to getting the closure you need is focusing less on the reasons surrounding the split because you may very well never get them. Allow yourself to cry and rely on friends. Allot yourself that time. Just remember how much time we all spend pining after ex-boyfriends that didn't even give us the time of day to offer an explanation. Then think about how much time it takes to find a new guy and build a better relationship. You do the math.”
….now that sounds like a good plan…isn’t it?!
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