Hi there. I just wanted to check on my friends who spend time thinking of me and reading through my thoughts in this page. All of you are friends to me. Perhaps you already know me to understand what I am going through. while some of you would say I am a bitter person or whatever, I was actually...what I am doing is channeling every emotion that lingers in me through my writing because it really helps drive them away. I am just writing everything about how I feel and what i think about all the drama that just passed. In a way, I look forward to reading everything I have written...like something I would laugh about in the future. I am quite feeling alright now. I have a great support system that's why. Words are not enough to say to the people who are there for me and continuously bear with what my crazy mind dictates. It's so comforting to see that there are people who are interested reading my thoughts...They might judge me or hate me or criticize me, but hey! This is me. I believe I can't pretend my way through life. It's so liberating to see that number of hits this page have...I was simply surprised having to reached that...well, it just goes to show that I am not the only person experiencing what I am experiencing...we'll get better in time...I just know it!!! We all will be fine...PEACE!
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