I realized I haven’t written my boy a tribute to his fourth birthday so here it goes…
For four years, you have made a great impact in my life…for someone so small and so fragile and whiny, you seem to be the best person in my life. In fact, you are my healthiest relationship. Hats-off to you for actually straightening me up.
My flesh and blood. My life. To me you are just about everything I need to survive. Even when I lost some opportunities I should have, you replaced them with things that gave me more satisfaction and appreciation of my life. For a boy so young, you have made me feel valued, important and significant; things that nobody realized I needed so bad to live. Even with your nonsensical babblings, you have said more words that meant everything than anybody else.
Now that you are four years old, I am here by your side as you open up to a new world. You are going to school now and I promise to be there by your side even when I am not called or needed. I will be there through your dances, programs and anything else. I will be in every PTA meeting, and every meeting that parents are called upon. I promise to be at the front line whenever you need an audience for your newfound skills and talents. I will be there and there always. Along with your Lolos and Lolas, your family will always be proud of you and everything you do.
For someone so whiny and needy and messy, you are the person I only care about. Time and time again, you are by my side whenever I feel weak and tired, you strengthen my faith whenever I think lowly of myself. You let me live, you gave me every reason to live. You know why? Because I love you. I so love to see what you will become when you grow up. Because I know that even when you don’t become the person I am hoping you’d be, I know you will be someone unexpected but so much better.
I will forever love you Buboy…Mama will always be here and here to stay.
Happy Fourth Birthday!
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