Thursday, September 30, 2010

happy fwends

Yesterday, I spent the day laughing so much, I can feel my jaw aching for all the exercises and stretches it made. Yesterday, I spent the day talking about things in life, difficulties that I thought I will never survive, but flawlessly surpassed. Then I thought to myself, I can go on living with simple and meaningful times like this. It is the people I spend time with that make me feel better about my issues with life. It is the people that I bond with that make me feel I can do so much better and I am doing better than before. Sometimes, when I feel low and a bit uncertain about my actions, they seem to give me a mirror where I can see every aspect of my action, to which I will admit mistakes, commend good attitudes and be surprised at the things I did, good or bad. My harshest critics, my truth committee, my friends. I don’t what what’s in me but seems like I am a magnet for great friends. God knows I love ‘em, ‘cause I need them. I hope I manage to bring them same kind of joy that they give me in the littlest gesture, joke, advice and laughter. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Best Sick Day

I am down with flu but the one thing I like about being this sick is that I get to get smoldered with displays of affection. My professors gave me the green light to go home, without marking me absent. My classmates offered to take me to the school nurse to take some medicine. My friends offered to take me home…and it meant going through an hour ride from the city to my home.

So even with this overwhelming aches and pains and even when I am tingling all over, I felt the rush of love and it tucked me warm in my own happy place. Thanks guys! You made my sick day one of the best days of my life. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Sick Day"

Today, my five year old woke me up at 2 AM complaining about muscle pain on his legs. I groggily scrambled to reach for the soothing liniment that I keep handy in my drawers to give him immediate relief. By morning, he asked me if he can skip school today because his leg hurts. I have learned that he was busy the day after. He spent his afternoon playing in the park and running around the garden playing with our neighbor’s kitten, which he frustratingly chased till dark.

Now, we are having breakfast. My boy curled up in a blanket while spooning his cereals. To me, this looks like an overacting kid who simply wanted to skip school on a lazy morning. Whoever did not pull this stunt when they were kids right? Seems like milk and cereals can do wonders to his spirits. He went into his usual lightning round of questions and so I realized he was okay. He figured that I figured that he was okay. So he ended up going to school anyway with me promising to answer more of his kid questions by the time he went home after school. I am bracing my quite rusty memory on that!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sonnet 124

"If my dear love were but the child of state,
It might for Fortune's bastard be unfather'd
As subject to Time's love or to Time's hate,
Weeds among weeds, or flowers with flowers gather'd.
No, it was builded far from accident;
It suffers not in smiling pomp, nor falls
Under the blow of thralled discontent,
Whereto the inviting time our fashion calls:
It fears not policy, that heretic, 
Which works on leases of short-number'd hours,
But all alone stands hugely politic, 
That it nor grows with heat nor drowns with showers.
To this I witness call the fools of time,
Which die for goodness, who have lived for crime." --- Shakepeare

----> love doesn't come everyday. so when it finally comes knocking, take it, be open for it and grab hold of it...and then you see yourself making interesting and often foolish decisions in life.

Monday, September 6, 2010


A professor of mine mentioned that when the western culture screams “leave me alone”, the Filipino culture would say, “don’t leave me alone”. One distinct characteristic of Filipinos is always having companions in doing the most trivial tasks. A lady always needs someone to tag along with her pursuits, like the comfort room for instance. When buying a dress, she definitely needs the approval of her friends before deciding on which piece to take. On the other hand, men tend to court women through their friends. As the cliché goes, no Filipino men go into battle alone, they often use human shields…LOL!

After spending quality time alone, I realized that I didn't feel depressed, low or at loss at any thing. I was raised to be an independent woman who faces life’s challenges head-on, that means shopping alone, going to school alone, going to girl scout camping alone and more things I already forgot. Never was I in the habit of asking my friends to accompany me at doing something, unless we agree on doing something together, for practicality’s sake. Even when I treat my son on occasions, I am more comfortable going alone with only him and me, hand in hand. I was never the needy or clingy type, which is often misunderstood as cold or unfeeling or simply "suplada". It’s just that I am not in the habit of bothering people with my own business. Call it everything you want, but my going solo in most things that I do is my personal brand of pride...pride that whatever I have and whatever I will have, besides my family, that's all thanks to ME. Thanks honey for understanding that.


Today, I have spent quality time with myself. I just realized that I am losing my balance at handling things and that maybe I am a little uptight about some things. So I went on a solo date with myself. I went to the cinema alone, dined and tested the menu of the Italian resto near my school, tried out some window shopping, debated on whether or not to cut my hair short…again. I was happy to have done those things, things that I used to do when I was single, when I had no obligations yet, when I was free in many ways. Trying to squeeze some Me-time in quite a hectic daily routine is difficult especially when you need to do many things... for the sake of responsibility and obligations. It’s not about whining. It’s just realizing that as I become busy of taking care of things, I often forgot to take care of Me. Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to do something selfish once in a while…as long as it keeps you happy, it keeps you sane and it makes you feel like YOURSELF under any strain. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

I don't Believe in Evolution

If evolution was true:

Mothers would have more than two hands. 

Fathers should be dapper

MOST males would have more "members".

as MOST females would have steel hearts...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bite me!

Yada-yada! Blah-Blah-Blah!

"It is better to remain silent and be thought of as a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I stand by You

In the world of strangers, you will meet friendly and cold faces. with pure luck, you may find someone you can trust and trust you back. With chance, you will meet the person whom you can give your heart to, as you will be given his/hers back. Lucky and blessed are the people who find someone to love. In the world where millions of people exist, it's a wonder why we are fated to find one heart to match our own. One thought to battle with our own. One body to embrace life with. People may get tired of love and may choose to be done with it, but I believe that every love is worth a chance. No life is Love is perfect...

So my LOVE, just reach out to my heart. Call my name and my heart will hear...let me wash away your fears. let me shelter you with my warmth. let me love you with all my heart. don't fear the future.'s everything that matters. I stand by you. I'm here for you.