Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Sick Day"

Today, my five year old woke me up at 2 AM complaining about muscle pain on his legs. I groggily scrambled to reach for the soothing liniment that I keep handy in my drawers to give him immediate relief. By morning, he asked me if he can skip school today because his leg hurts. I have learned that he was busy the day after. He spent his afternoon playing in the park and running around the garden playing with our neighbor’s kitten, which he frustratingly chased till dark.

Now, we are having breakfast. My boy curled up in a blanket while spooning his cereals. To me, this looks like an overacting kid who simply wanted to skip school on a lazy morning. Whoever did not pull this stunt when they were kids right? Seems like milk and cereals can do wonders to his spirits. He went into his usual lightning round of questions and so I realized he was okay. He figured that I figured that he was okay. So he ended up going to school anyway with me promising to answer more of his kid questions by the time he went home after school. I am bracing my quite rusty memory on that!