"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. "
stumbling at some point in life is not enough reason to be sad and lonely forever. there is always a chance to turn life around. and every time you take hold of that chance, what you don't realize is that you actually mark a new chapter in your life. every time you take a chance, you start fresh. though you may not succeed in all your attempts, you shouldn't see it as a personal failure. that is because the thing people call 'failure' is not the 'falling down' but the 'staying down'.
everyone may have heard lines like WHEN ONE DOOR CLOSES, ANOTHER DOOR OPENS. It even goes like WHEN THE DOORS CLOSE, THE WINDOWS OPEN...or something like that. but the thing is, in every door that closes, we can't help but get stuck on longingly hoping for it to open again. we tend to cast a long and regretful look on that door...that we fail to see the the ones that was opened just for us.
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