"We don't need to rush things...if some things are bound to happen, it will happen no matter how we prevent it from happening...in the right time, with the right person...and for the BEST reasons."
People grow more and more impatient each day. When we can only pass through life only once, it is puzzling that people are in the habit of rushing things. They focus more on the wealth they wanted to acquire, the prestige they wanted to earn or in getting novelty objects, which do not necessarily bring essence to one's existence. They keep their eyes on the prize and not on the process of attaining that prize. But while people are kept at the 'process' for a significant portion of our lives, where we tend to suffer hardships and pain, who can can blame them of not wishing to fast forward and freeze into the time that their lives will be so much better?
Sometimes, we may even find ourselves frustrated of not getting the things we desperately wanted,"WANTED", and fail to take notice of and appreciate the things we have acquired along the way. Life has its own surprises. Sometimes, or most of the time, those things that we acquire along the way are way better and greater than the things we wanted to attain. Sometimes, the things we thought would be the best for us is not actually the 'best' that we can have.
So enjoy life and its little surprises. take things slow for everything will happen and fall into their right places at the right time and point of our lives. But for now, why don't we enjoy the ride? For when we get to our destination, we don't know if everything ends...or starts anew.
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