After a week long drama, I thought I deserve a little break. So I decided to tag along NJ, my son, to be my date today. Day after day, I am thanking the gods because he is looking a little less and less like his father. To me, that is a comfort. Now, I see my eyes when I see him. I see my wits when he cracks his jokes. Just loving what he becomes as he grows in front of my eyes.
NJ has been the one person who has been there for me through all times, good and bad, happy and depressing. That's why I love him so much. Even though he does not understand yet,he really knows when to make me laugh. He knows just the little tricks that needed to make me crack a bit of smile.

Today is an official holiday! So go on, have fun with your favorite people. Go to your special place. Ours is the corner where battery cars and musical animals roam around at the Metro mall. I even take the ride with him, making me look silly, but happy. So go on and have a fun day! I know we'll do.
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