Wow! Pure honest wow!
Not that I am bragging or anything, what I feel is just overwhelming…enough to brighten up my life ahead.
Did you even experience having something good…really great happen in your life and you can’t help but clap your hands like you are clapping for someone else? Crazy right? But that’s exactly how I feel. I can’t help but blink back the tears. I am so proud of myself. If this sounds like bragging, I really don’t care. I am just surprised for such a fortuitous discovery. I was stunned. I felt everything good. For a long time, I never felt this significant…
Last year was not the best year of my life…the worst actually…or so I thought. I simply felt rotten and hollow for the most part. So having learned that I am one of the students who are to receive the highest honor of recognition for this year’s academic achievers in my school, I could not help but give myself a good pat on the back to say, “Not bad!”
Honestly, I am close to tears right now. I just feel so blessed, it’s like I don’t deserve this honor. I never thought I can do this as this point of my life. When all I planned was to be a plain attentive student, I was surprised to discover that I can actually be something bigger and more.
Thank God for the family I have. Thank God for the friends who helped keep me sane during the past few months. More importantly, I thank God for the greatest inspiration in my life… my SON. NJ, Mama has been working so hard. This is just the start! You’ll see, I promise you will be proud of what Mama will become. This honor is for YOU. I love YOU.
Nice Wends! Great Job...two thumbs up :)
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