Did you know that flirting with people can actually be good for your health and in boosting your level of happiness?
Seems like flirting can add more to life, more than what I realize. It can ease your way to friendships, love and career. It certainly makes life pleasurable; and YOU radiant with confidence and self-respect. Well, that is if flirting is well put.
Of all the arts of life, I kind of missed out learning the art of flirting. I see it as a messy, nasty and utterly disgusting thing, that’s why. But then, if flirting is perceived as just great communication, it can be of benefit anywhere, including in that controversial arena, the workplace. So the next time you contemplate going up and introducing yourself to the person across the room, don't contemplate, just do it! And remember to carry with you a big SMILE!
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