Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Down with Rain

Rain. Cold. Quiet. I now understand why the percentage of depression cases is higher in colder countries.

Rain. Though I like the comfort of the days when sweat doesn’t burst on my skin, rainy days seem to always give me this sinking feeling, like I feel down or something. Funny, I have been ranting and praying for rainy days for the last few months and when it came, I don’t like it anymore. Though I have thought rainy days are better, I am quite convinced that I was proven wrong.

Cold. I have been looking forward for this cold wet season. Now, I don’t like it so much.I

Quiet. When I work, I like everything to be still around me as my mind runs fast with ideas and webs words to make sensible points. But after all the task, the quiet isn’t the best company for me.

Funny, sometimes the things that I look forward to so much, the things that I wished and hoped for, the things that I staked much for, often do not meet my expectations. As I look back, my days were better with the heat and all. Sunny days may burn me down but it never made me feel down.