“Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. when that happens, you got two choices friends: you can wear a sour face or, you can make lemonade.”
In my life, I have tried my hardest to make things work. I planned my life and made the best of it. But seems life nothing is working for me. Nothing fell into my plan. Somewhere along the way, things get rough and twisted and I can’t do anything about it. I become a willing victim. I become an unknowing by-stander. So what did work? Well, everything I feared happened and I did not have anything to do with it. I did my part right, yet everything went like a fallen deck of cards. I have lost just like that…just like I have never did anything to fight it. Like things are meant to happen. So I rest my case and laid it all to whatever it is that is meant to happen in my life. I have stopped planning but learned to develop my own coping mechanism to bear with my really spontaneous and unpredictable life.
Not that I am complaining, but well, I have got nothing to lose now. In the first place, everything that I feared happened to me. Everything…so what am I afraid now? Nothing!
I have nothing to lose anymore…but I’ve got much to gain. Even though my life did not fall exactly on my plan, it became way better than what I dreamed for. Though I am going through a rough time now, I am beginning to see a silver lining peaking through the clouds. Now I am looking forward for more challenges. I told you, everything that I feared in the past happened, so I have got no fear or no expectations in facing the new chapters of my life. I look forward to it.
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