As a kid I was taught many things. Little "life's lessons" if you will. Things to get you started on your way to becoming a good adult. I learned my ABC's, my colors, not to kick other kids, etc. Another thing that popped up along the way was that cheating is wrong. Cheating not only hurts yourself, it hurts others. It starts a cycle of betrayal and trust issues that destroys not only relationships, but people. To me, any argument that cheating is OK if you're loved one doesn't find out about it is juvenile, naive and basically ridiculous. "What they don't know won't hurt them" is one of the most childish arguments in the book. Also arguing that since I have never cheated, I have no right to speak on this subject is equally ridiculous. I have never stuck my finger into a light socket either, but I'm assuming it would still hurt if I did. Owning up to screwing up is another one of those little lessons I've accumulated over my life. Making excuses for your actions will get you nowhere. Insanity is basically doing the same thing over and over and hoping for different results. One needs to grow up and break that cycle, and treat others as they wish to be treated.
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