Love is every person’s need. Love, which is often mistaken for physical attachments as lust or need to be touched, is often a brand taken to make that step that goes against everything you believe is right and against everything that was once most important in your life in hope of finding solace for loneliness, for need or simply, for love.
Love is sometimes lost at some point in your life, either by choice or by chance. I do believe that even when love is lost, it still manages to stick around, it stays.
But what if a love that was true was betrayed? From what I know and what I have experienced, a love that is betrayed comes with deathly pain. It brings the most excruciating pain, both physically and emotionally. What’s more piercing is the thought that you were convinced that the one person who hurt you was ‘the one’, but proved to be a ‘sham’. But amidst the hate, love still remains to leave space to understand and to forgive. After all, you haven’t loved that one person without any reason at all. That reason, no matter how small and fragile it has become out of the betrayal, will find ways for forgiveness and the will to welcome another love.
Love, it comes and it goes. When love is lost, love is also gained. And once love is gained, it gives you more of what love has lost in your life. It fulfills the promise of future, a better companion, a better partner. If I am to face the question “what is love?” I’ll say it’s crazy, which makes it most beautiful.
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