Just got a movie marathon treat last night. My boy and I enjoyed twilight saga 1 and 2 and I just slept with a smile on my face, I am definitely team Jacob. It just makes me feel normal and less of a selfless idiot that I was once. Like Jacob, I was there when all the trouble was around. I was there when everything seems hopeless and bleak; I was there cleaning up the mess. But when everything else was fixed and in order, I was left like a doormat. But Jacob does it with enthusiasm; I did it because of need. Maybe it isn’t love after all. Maybe it’s all about how I was raised to deal and face obligations and responsibilities.
On the other hand, Edward, "the one"...I don't know if he is just too selfish to think of his own convictions as he acts on them without even thinking on how it will hurt or ruin Bella. He seems to think of himself as "Mr. know-it-all" when he actually is not. While he says that he loves Bella, he seem to be that one person who have hurt her the most. It's funny, but love is not supposed to be that way right? But what I figured out is that when you love a person, you seem to give him all the access and all the power to give you the greatest hurt you can ever imagine. You simply give that person the power to 'make' you or 'break' you. Maybe that explains why people that love, real love that is, is all about sacrifices and enduring of all the hurt and difficulties come for all will be rewarded in time...but rewards in this matter is not guaranteed. Love does not guarantee anything, so the saying goes that love is a gamble.
Sometimes, I find it surprising that watching romantic movies like twilight make me reflect deep within myself. I sometimes find myself finding worthy explanations about certain things in life through movies. That is why if there ever was an addiction on watching movies, I will never dream of being cured from it. That is one guilty pleasure that I will never dare give up, not yet.
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