I have read somewhere that life is a blank canvas. You draw its outline; dictate its theme and your decisions furnish it with the style and touches that will define its entirety. I would like to think that I am doing fine with all my decisions. After all, I am in a much better place than I was before. I am thankful for having survived the storm. Though the road was rough and ragged, leaving be worn, shattered and hateful about everything, I overcame my issues because I have realized that happiness and peace is a decision. So I have decided to be done with all the drama. I have decided to be at peace and leave the truth to run its course. Karma has not failed me for I was in a better place, while the other parties are left in the dark, unaware and confused of the implications of their acts, while I end up polished, stronger and much aware of what I can make out of my life. I am but halfway completing the outline of my life. Soon, I will start working on the palette that will bring color and life to its spaces.
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