In all the interesting experiences in your life, you certainly have encountered situations where you are close to giving up or you are torn between giving up an going on. Life is defined by our choices. Sometimes, we choose to bear some more and still give chance to everything we face. At times, we simply say, “that’s it, I am done”.
But between men and women, contrary to the common belief, in things like this, women are never fickle minded. They are more resilient and even more flexible in terms of bearing with life’s situations. Amidst the hurt surrounding her relationship, physical or emotional, she may still decide to stand up for her man thinking that all is worth it. But while women have flexible tolerance, when they say enough, it means enough. You have reached her limits. No extensions and no other chances.
Suffering enough is enough chance given to any man to make up for everything he has done, for every wrong and every hurt. But once that chance it abused, there’s no turning back.
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