what a day! i have done so many things today. I have written all my articles, I have attended my meetings and have attended all my classes. with schedules of long quizzes, reports and exams in tow, I grow tired just thinking of everything else I needed to do. but tiredness is just a physical limitation. even if my eyes are already red, strained and the veins in my fingers already pulsating, my mind still refuses to rest so I am to work late tonight so my brain will give up and finally permit me an ounce of sleep which i will enjoy for only 4 hours. my daily 4-hour sleep routine is already taking its toll, yet my spirit goes, "never say no, never surrender"
perhaps I will just get used to the tiredness for I know that I shall reap what I sow in the end. I felt just like this last sem and boy I was rewarded. no time for complaints now and just keep going. my purpose is already set and all I needed to do is keep my eye on the prize. i know i can get that especially that everything I needed is just at arm's length.
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