Many times, during your personal reflections, you see yourself playing a stupid part to serve “the common good”. Perhaps your naiveté tells that that is an act of unrestrained unconditional love that makes you great, as a person, as a lover. Well here’s an eye opener. For a person picturing love and sacrifice as the greatest act that will put meaning your life, that’s plain stupidity.
Life is harsh, life is never good. It brings a little happiness at some point, only to draw more anguish the next. Well that is the reality of life…
A killer was once asked, how do you control your victims…
He said…"simple, I give them hope…as I torture their bodies, as I deliver excruciating and deathly pain to their being I feel control over their life. I feel so powerful, so above the world…when I see they can’t bear no more, I release the torture…I talk to them…making them think they buy time to think of something to escape me or to give her rescuer precious time to get to her. That’s dumb. I make promises, I give her room to breath for a while, I give her a little hope for survival…believe me, she’ll do anything you ask for that…hope…people are so fragile…they dwell on the littlest amount of hope to survive, not thinking of the big picture, is it worth it. If my life is a string away from ending, where will that hope bring me?..it's me who ends it anyway...giving hope, it's got an understated power over people...that keeps me from killing...that keeps me living...that keeps me hoping...
No one sucks the life out of you, it is the reality that sucks life from you. Hope is the escape you call love, love that makes the world worth living for some, love that makes the world crazy, love that makes crazy people kill, love that puts crazy people into this world...love that puts good people in pain...
Now tell me, what is your definition of love…of life…of hope?
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