I wager that I will be lonely in the next few months. That would be an exchange to some real freedom from the main LOS*R in my life. I have done everything to make this work and I mean everything…all the understanding I have got and all the pain I could bear, still, I am treated like some lump shit rolling right at the middle of the street. So I have decided, NO MORE LOS*RS IN MY LIFE. I am done understanding…I am done pleasing YOU big bag of nothing…YOU tell me YOU are tired…well here’s what tired is….I AM THROUGH WITH ALL these nonsense!!! I AM THROUGH WITH ALL YOUR S**T!!!
They said special ones should bring out the best in YOU. I disagree. They bring out every ounce of badness in you until you give up. The extent to which you will tolerate yourself being the worst you could imagine is the real measurement of what love really is. With that, I am giving up this part of my life, this supposed to be “special thing” that gave me hope that something good will come out of your MONSTER!!! But now I give up, to serve better realities of life…to save the little amount of goodness I feel is what’s left of ME.
I am not in shape to put sense into my head right now. I wallow in anger, just these repressed feelings that I am keeping just to make way for romantic antics to work, but it did not work. So now, I feel stupid and just plain bad…I am MAD. ‘YOU FEELING ME?!
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