Nothing can shatter a love that has perished a number of storms…and people who threaten its very existence. When things get out of hand, step back and reflect. Think of the more important things that will still convince you that every effort to save the relationship is worth it. Although problems and situations may strike our ego and pride…compromises must be made just to save whatever love is left…love stays…love survives…and only when you give in to reason, shall end everything that comes with it.
Feeling distraught about every problem that comes with our relationships means that we question our love…we question our quest to move on from every mistake and every trial that we step out of. What’s important is that we are sure of this person…no distance can change everything that the two of you have worked so hard for. No person can ever replace or compensate for every faults and shortcoming that you discover that your partner has. Nothing can replace each other…that is, if love is true and unconditional.
Once in a while, however smart we are, we do stupid things to save our relationships. For me, it’s not normal. Rather, it’s the greatest way of experiencing life…that you are living the realities of life. Threading every emotion and problem or overcoming life's situations will only be possible if you give in to love. Love never fails to make the best of what we have. Although love can destroy us, love is what makes us grow and become better people. Love makes us explore…love may hurt…but love is what brings everything good in life…and everything good, comes with hard work.
There’s no better love story than our own. If you are destined for each other, then nothing can separate the two of you. To make relationships work, you have to jump over the barriers or complications created by age, time, distance, character, money, mistakes, reason, raw emotions…and situations that makes us forget of our PRIDE. I believe that there’s no success in love for it is a continuous process…a continuous struggle to keep each other and make something good blossom out of each other’s character. Love is a continuous process...because if you end trying…life is bland.
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