Okay! I can’t work. Now that I am growing too excited to make more entries to my personal blog, I might as well get on with it.
When a friend of mine never forgets to text me with all that rants about life, love, and men thru texts every single day, I always make it a point to read every entries because I truly relish the idea that she remembered texting me and she remembered me. And I am thinking of what it costs her to keep connected to a number of friends. I just wanted to tell her that it is “sulit” on my part.
She is such a wild character (as I was before) so whenever I receive some serious entries, I find it surprising that the message hits close to home. Let me just share some of the few ones I could remember:
The other day, she sent me something about missing the most important part of your life. The entry goes like, when you are so focused and is obsessing about how prepared you are for the future, you tend to miss out the most important thing. (I always have a selective amnesia so please bear with me on this.) The entry goes similarly to the saying that when you go fast forward and impatiently read to find out how the story of a book ends up, you miss the greatest part. And that is, the essence of the whole length of the story. In a way, the message was right because when you keep your eye on the prize, you tend to miss out the whole experience of winning the prize you are dreaming about. Every mistake and every moment counts. At every second of the day, you will face specific aspects of your life where decisions will be made to work things or issues out.
When we become too focused on ourselves, we miss out cherishing the moments we spend with the people who have helped us get our “prize”. Every moment counts and a single act of acknowledgement to whatever happens and whatever form of help was given are worth the effort.
Acknowledging that you can’t beat life’s struggles is where reality sinks in. Because you basically can’t control it, you can’t say that after you have dealt with a major problem there will be nothing to follow. Life equates to continuous pursuits to making us realize who and what really matters. And to reach that point, we need to make strings of mistakes and deal with awkward and unavoidable situations that go on until they teach us their dose of life’s lessons.
As a person, you can never be too prepared or too careless to face life. Life is as spontaneous as it can be. So there really is no point obsessing about having control with your life for you are not the only one in it. And realizing the importance and cherishing the experiences you share with every person you let into your life is what living is all about.
The other serious entry she gave me was about life offering great options. Decision making is actually one of the ways where you can steer your life towards certain directions. Of course, we tend to weigh what we could gain or lose in every decision we make. To ensure great results and minimum chances of failure, we tend to settle with the options that tend to come close to ideal.
In life, I believe that there are no such things as wrong decisions. It only depends on the people who overlook the decision you have made. Normalcy and morality issues aside, it will not be selfish if you reflect deeply into yourself when you are faced with instances where you are faced with life’s crossroads. Although your decision could possibly mess up or fix things in your life, it’s really comforting to know that most of the time what seems to be the best options do not always lead you to your happy ending. Often, great things happen out of major mistakes.
I just hope that my writing is not a bore. Well, I could not care less about how this entry appeals to you but the thing is… I am one of those people who kept obsessing everything about life. I tend to have plan A, B, C, up to Z just to make sure that I will not run out of options when desperate times come. After something major has happened in my life, it started to learn living life on a daily basis. I try to be always grateful to every blessing that comes rather than asking for them. I tend to appreciate more than to whine about anything. I tend to communicate and express rather than keeping things bottled up inside me. So every day becomes an exciting quest that leads to me to places where I need to be; where I could find my own treasure in ways that life’s decisions lead me to.
So I can write more about anything, I just wish she would send me more of her thoughts. This is my way of saying, “thank you” to my friend and to her unlimited text addiction.
Now i can get back to work!!!
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