Few days ago, I came across a movie in the internet which is titled “JUNO”. It was about a teenager who was impregnated because she thinks she is convinced that she is bold and old enough to enjoy what supposedly is called fun-sex. As the movie progresses, immature Juno used all her wits and smarts to deal with the responsibilities she has to face for her unborn child. While she thought the situation could be handled simply by finding the best adoptive parents and the best set-up where her future child could thrive, the movie manages to lighten up situation where generally parents and people are expected to freak out. I never thought the situation could be handled that easy. That kids could get out of such awkward situations that fast. Maybe because it’s a different culture; but I see certain similarities to what is becoming the trend in our youth today. With all that trendy, seemingly intelligent, and sarcastic vocabs which is becoming a standard element of teenage movies, Juno convinces that teenage angst really is a parent's nightmare. But the turning point was that when she realized that dealing with teenage pregnancy wasn’t all just that. Throughout the length of the story, the story manages to show what "children" could actually manage to do these days.
Juno was a free-spirited girl who loves rock bands and anything that is related to gore movies and her goth music. For a child, the decisions she made out of her pregnancy seems to be responsible enough for me. I realized that you must not underestimate the capacity of today’s teenagers to run their own lives. Although she was faced with mockery and unwanted disdain at school and in her community, I never saw a tinge of regret in her. It was very mature of her not to put blame and hatred to the "father" while moving on with her life.
My favorite Juno line would be:
“…at least you do not carry the proof of doing the ‘thing’ under your sweater everyday”
So for all the women out there-whatever happens, just play safe okay?
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