unless we give them the key..."
...never let someone in unless you are sure that you can survive and you can still manage if he decides to let you go...or to escape you.
...expectations are made not to let us hope for the best, but to work your way in making the best of every situation.
...the people that have hurt us will continually hurt us only if we allow them to treat us badly...only if we refuse to let go of the memories.
...the people that have caused us so much pain will move on. Not letting go of all the pain and not understanding where it roots from, will hinder us from moving on. Incidentally, they are usually the people we kept close to our lives and whom we have come to love deeply. As we settle with their apologies and forgiveness, we are left with all those awful and painful memories to live with.
this post is really something to ponder...*wink*
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