I am staring at the blank screen contemplating on what to write or should I write anything at all.
'Times like this, I feel I needed to put my mind to rest for I have been putting it through a lot means of battery for a while.
Sometimes, I refuse to think, I wallow into nothingness, making me sit still, doing nothing, just breathing and doing nothing.
Staring back at the blank screen...I refuse to believe that everything needs to be blank. Splash some color in it, put some nonsense phrases on it...in a while, I may realize what I wanted to do or needed to do to make this page work...or not.
I still sit still, staring at the blank screen, with a smirk on my face, I started typing...and I typed in these words.
It may not work, it may not make sense. But it's how my mind works in nothingness.
I am lost of feeling. I am lost of care...or maybe this is just an effect of another gloomy day.
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