It’s been so long…I realized I haven't posted anything in ages...so ergoes...
Lately, I have been too lazy doing anything but keeping track of my academic standing…since midterm exam week has passed. The thing is, I am quite surprised that it did pull through all the exams, waving high scores to my surprise. Alright, alright…I did study, to the point that I have missed my article submissions and other deadlines (emphasis on OTHER deadlines), which means I haven’t earned a cent for a week. But all the trouble is worth it!!! I feel ecstatic coming to class this week because of the great news…
I am really quite surprised with everything that happens. I feel so in control with my life right now. I hope that this will continue on, I will work hard for these great things to go on. I am quite enjoying my new course, it fits me right, which is perhaps one of the reasons that I seem to be doing so well.
I will just remind my self to kneel and come to church on Sunday. I have so much to thank HIM for. NJ’s coughing troubles due to the cold weather have passed…and now this…I am quite thankful.
After all the angst that I had in the past, I never thought that all I needed was a different perspective in life. at this point, I don’t dwell on expectations, I don’t dwell on what I am supposed to be accomplishing at my age if I did good in my first attempt to college, and I try to avoid giving in to the pressures in life. This way, I feel better contented with my life. I cease wishing, hoping and asking for things to happen because I know that everything I wanted will come with hard work…yes people, HARD WORK!! Life is not supposed to be easy anyway. And so the trouble continues, but I bet that I can still charge towards my goals. Troubles, pressure and expectations become problems only when they are recognized as problems. To me, they are challenges, a sign that I still got room to grow and be better. And boy did I get better!!!
Thank God!
hi wends..welcome back..hehehe..tagal di naupdate nito..
anyway, i'm happy coz ur doing good in school and ok prati si boboy mo..ingat n lng po parati..and God bless..
hello wendz! ur back....
Good luck sa school, sa sideline, sa gabos. Aram ko keri mo an..IKA PA! hehehe.
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