I just wanted to share something that’s been bugging me for so long. You see, maturity and age have certain advantages when you are to come back to college. Aside from becoming more driven to get high grades, it enables a ‘comeback’ student to say things that have more meaning and opinions that matter (try taking an essay form exam at 20 something and you’ll know what I mean). However, I had a classmate that I seem to find weird and sometimes quite a ‘show-off’ when it comes to these advantages. Like me, ‘comebackers’ din sya. This classmate of mine is actually 4 years older than me (so if I am 24, she would be…) Anyways, it just bothers me that she always wanted to dominate the class, being the smart ass that he/she is (he/she for anonymity) taking advantage of every opportunity to speak. Sadly, it only happens during our theology class. What’s funny is that our Nat. Sci class follows the theology class and whatever she is in theology is exactly the opposite with Nat. Sci.
By my own definition, theology is the subject where students are made to reflect on the daily words of God. So whenever the daily gospel calls for a reflection on suffering, love for brothers and sisters, love in its entirety and sacrifices, she takes on the stage. It’s just like watching a monologue materialize. It’s just a live Saturday night show that you see on TV on which you may laugh, cry, relate, be insulted and ultimately get plain pissed. This is my classmate’s favorite subject. There was one time, when she was asked to report on a topic that requires her “expert view” since she is so smart with the subject (well, she seems to dominate the reciting part of the class so she must be). What came up was a report that has her classic monologue in it, a song and a live performance with it, and more of her preaching on how her perspective is so perfect. She just sounded so self-righteous that I just wanted to be bitchy and say “who cares bitch! Could you talk about other things but yourself or you can just shut your pie hole!!!”. She seems to be working out an advice program in class, which annoys me so much.
Moving on, here is the funny part. She is preaching about worldly things, yet her audience is 15 and 16 year-old students who are notorious of not listening to their mothers. She just sounded preachy and whatever hell she is bringing to class is plain futile. Just try coming to this class and getting used to the smirk on the faces of my classmates. By God, why are some people so self-absorbed!!!
The funny thing comes when the bell rings. From the front row, this fella I am dishing about moves to the far end of the class room. Natural Science is a physical science that requires brains to digest and wits to deal with. She seems to be afraid to take on the challenge of taking the front row in that class. I remember, we were discussing about vectors and then the instructor said about the direction of the storm is similar to the direction of the resultant forces that acts on the area of the storm. And then the word “northeast” was mentioned. And this fella said. “Madam, if mas malakas ba yung hatak ng force sa north kesa yung andun sa east, northeast pa rin yung direction the vector” Like duh!!! Anything in between the north and east directions is considered northeast, but is accurately determined the longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates. “madam, yung northeast, combination ng north and east forces” Duh ulit!!! Vector force nga, resultant, alangan namang combination ng iba pang directions…so much for being a smart ass!!!
I am quite bothered that she seems to be all over the place when she can. She smothers me with thoughts that I can express better, but chose not to for it robs these youngsters of the fun of being stupid, from which they will learn. I hate this fella because she thinks she’s sooo smart. The nerve!!! She’s sooo annoying…