"A person experiencing anxiety condition finds it difficult to control the feelings of worry and fear. The thing about people with anxiety disorder is that they actually know that what they think of feel is not real and that they are just made-up. "
Manageable symptoms are:
o Palpitations, a pounding of heart, or an accelerated heart rate
o Increased sweating
o Trembling or shaking
o Shortness of breath
o Chest pain or discomfort
o Nausea or stomach discomfort
o A feeling light-headedness, or faint
o A feeling of unreality
o Depersonalization or a feeling of being detached from oneself
o Fear of losing control or going crazy
o Fear of dying
o Numbness, or a tingling sensation
o Chills
o Feeling of impending doom
o Insomnia
o Irritability
o Inability to concentrate
o Fear of going crazy or dying
o Feeling unreal and not in control of your behavior
...just noticed that people are clinging on their toes lately... It's really difficult to thread over unpredictable waters...or maybe I'm suffering my own panic attacks...
...take a moment...
...loosen up!
...breathe in...
...LET GO!!!!
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