We finally made our way to our vacay!
Only, we were unfortunate to have ridden a bus with busted AC. Everyone around us were puking because of the heat and dizziness caused by the heat contained inside the bus. It was only until we reached Lucena that the problem had been fixed. That was the only bus ride that I haven’t eaten nor drank anything because of the discomfort. I was worried I might give it a blow too. Thankfully, NJ seemed to be enjoying himself, watching mountains and mountains of coconut trees to pass by. He really was pleased with the trip and was behaved and was generally okay. It is already our day 3 in Laguna but I still did not get the hang of the discomfort that went with the trip. Anyhow, Buboy seems to be happy so far (he is enjoying the stacks of DVD that my sister has…well, I too!). It rains here a lot while in Bikol, it’s already summer HOT.
I haven’t started with any adventure yet…I still have some writing to do, which is an adventure I love more. This weekend, we plan to o on a picnic in Liliw, the shoe capital of Luzon! Hehehehe…and on Saturday, girl’s night out at the LB square. Gotta prepare something fancy for that!
For now, I need to work first so I won’t have to worry about anything this weekend…
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