Sometimes, things happen with absolutely no comprehensible reason. Sometimes, when you push your self too hard to accomplish things, all the preparations and troubles don’t pay. Sometimes, we set up expectations with which we feel that we can possibly achieve but end up empty handed, disappointed and frustrated with our own selves. But didn’t we realize that we are actually pushing ourselves too hard that we fail to meet our expectations?
Even the greatest performer had his dark times and experienced failures and defeats numerous times. Even the greatest artist, a master, at one point of his life, experienced being outshined by an up and coming newbie artist. The pain of life is that no matter how you prepared yourself to go to battle, there is still room for failure. No matter you how made it certain that you have absolutely have no chance of losing a game; you surprise yourself being left out as the sore loser. These are just some of the pains that happen in everyday life. There are times when everything you do, every idea that you contribute and everything you touch works. Of course, there are also some ‘unlucky days’ to complement your fate and make your life balanced. However, these ‘unlucky days’ surely come in perfect timing. They come when we needed ‘luck’ most. They come in times when we get too prepared to face challenges and conflicts that we stake our life and pride on. They usually come in just perfect timing when you are most vulnerable.
After all the frustrations left by our ‘unlucky days’, we just need to think back and reflect that it is only a day of our life. We surely need to lose sometimes to win more. We need to experience how it feels like losing or being on the other side of happiness, so we continually enjoy the simple joys in life. After all, these ‘unlucky days are just days in the years and decades of the lifetime that you still have to live on. These are just 24 or more hours taken away from your glory. Through these days, we are usually taught a simple yet valuable lesson. That is life begets meaning in times of unexpected crises. Character is tested by life’s struggles. And winners were once losers, an experience which made them strive harder to not lose anymore.
Sometimes, we are our greatest critic. Sometimes, our own self is the hardest to please when it comes to our skills, talents or achievements. Perhaps we are taking life way to seriously that way and we need to loosen up and let off the strain that makes everything so stiff. We are here to live life and make it like heaven and not to take in all the pressure and make life like hell. Where’s the fun in always winning anyway? These ‘unlucky days’ make the journey to winning worthwhile…makes it more challenging…makes it more fulfilling.
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