After feeling bitter for the past few weeks, I have finally come to my senses. There’s no point wondering about things that you don’t hold any control. There’s also no point finding reasons for everything that has happened because such mystery makes all your shortcomings, mistake or every trial worth reminiscing. In due time, I know that I will finally realize for which reasons things have happened. But for now, I am charging forward.
I really like the phrase moving forward, that’s how I describe my life right now. I don’t like to call it moving on for it entails no definite direction or purpose. I am fortunate to have set all my priorities before the storm and I am also fortunate to have drafted the direction where I want to lead my life. You see, I am not alone. I have all these angels by my side to guide me through. Surprisingly, I have taken these people for granted through the days that I felt glorious about my work. But after the fall, these people were the ones who supported me and helped me nurse my burning pride.
I have always said to my friends that I am a sore loser, especially when I put myself in any situation to win, to succeed. I believed that hard work is eventually translated into gains with which I can secure positions that I have been dreaming of. But sadly, things does not always work that way because for every success and for every joy that you find or discover in this life, there will always be something and someone who would want to ruin everything you have worked for. There will always be something and someone that will threaten every good thing that you have. So what must I do? Find fulfillment in your life. Fulfillment should not depend on job positions or money or on anybody. I must be deeply rooted upon you for in this world, snakes are abundant and betrayals are of becoming part of normalcy. Nobody else will treat you right and justly but yourself.
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